/*<meta />*/

/* DEBUG log styles */

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html.right-layout #navigation
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html.right-layout #navigationResizeBar
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html.left-layout #navigationResizeBar.nav-closed
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.pulse-active .pulse-required,
.feedback-active .feedback-required,
.feedback-active.has-topic .feedback-topic-required
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/* Tabs */


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	/* Old browsers */
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	/* W3C */
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.login-dialog-content .profile-item-wrapper
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.login-dialog-content .profile-item-wrapper .label-wrapper
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.login-dialog-content .profile-item-wrapper .input-wrapper
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.login-dialog-content .profile-item-wrapper input[type=text]
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.login-dialog-content .profile-item-wrapper.email-notifications-wrapper
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.login-dialog-content .profile-item-wrapper.email-notifications-wrapper .label-wrapper
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.login-dialog-content .profile-item-wrapper.email-notifications-wrapper .email-notifications-group
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.login-dialog-content .profile-item-wrapper.error input,
.login-dialog-content .profile-item-wrapper.error select
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.login-dialog button
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.login-dialog button.close-dialog
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.login-dialog .status-message-box
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.login-dialog .status-message-box.error
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.login-dialog .status-message-box .message
	display: none;

/* TOC */


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.tree-node-expanded > ul
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.tree-node div .label
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.tree-node-inner > div

.tree-node-collapsed > div
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.tree-node-leaf > div
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/* Index */


#index .index-wrapper
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#index ul

#index .tree-node

#index .tree-node div

#index .tree-node-collapsed > div
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#index .tree-node-expanded > div
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#index .tree-node-leaf > div
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#index .tree-node.tree-node-selected > div,
#index .tree-node.tree-node-selected > div:hover
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#index .tree-node > div:hover
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#index .tree-node a
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#index .tree-node.tree-node-selected

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/* Glossary */


#glossary .tree-node

#glossary .tree-node div
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#glossary .GlossaryPageDefinition
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#glossary .tree-node a
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/* Community */

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/* Topic */

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/* Search */

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