/*<meta />*/

/* Expanding */





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/* DropDown */




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.MCDropDown_Closed .MCDropDownHotSpot
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/* Toggler */





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/* Text Popup */

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/* buttons */

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.button-group:first-child .button:first-child
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.button-group:last-child .button:last-child
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	/* Old browsers */
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	/* Old browsers */
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.loading .star-button
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	/* Old browsers */
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	/* Old browsers */
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	/* Opera11.10+ */
	/* IE10+ */
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	tooltip: Edit user profile;

/* Feedback */

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.comments .subject
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html.feedback-anonymous-enabled .comment-form-wrapper .username-field
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.comment-form-wrapper .comment-submit


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/* Contain floats: nicolasgallagher.com/micro-clearfix-hack/ */

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